Genesis 22:1-2God told Abraham, “Take Isaac, whom you love, and go to Moriah and offer him there for a burnt sacrifice on a mountain that I will show you.”
What does verse 3 tell us Abraham did? Did he argue with God? Did he hesitate or stall to obey Him?
Genesis 22:6-7As Abraham and Isaac carried wood, fire, and a knife up the mountain Isaac asked his father where the lamb for the offering was.
What did Abraham tell Isaac about the lamb?
Genesis 22:9Abraham built an altar, placed wood on it, tied up Isaac, and laid him on the altar to offer him as a burnt sacrifice.
How do you think Abraham felt?
How do you think Isaac felt?
Genesis 22:10-13As Abraham took the knife to kill Isaac and angel called to him and told him not to kill or hurt Isaac because God saw that Abraham feared Him and would not withhold his son from God. Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught in a bush by it’s horns, and so he sacrificed the ram to God instead.
The account of Abraham being called to sacrifice is son is hard to read. As parents it’s hard for us to understand why God would require this of Abraham and how Abraham could actually make himself go through with it. Imagine the relief and happiness both father and son felt when the Angel of God stopped Abraham form going through with the sacrifice!
Compare Abraham to God and Isaac to Jesus. God and Jesus must have had similar feelings about Jesus being sacrificed on the cross for our sins. Abraham and Isaac were spared actually having to go through with it, but Jesus was not.
Read Luke 22:42
This verse tells us that Jesus did have similar thoughts and feelings to what Isaac must have had! Use the space below to write a prayer of thanks for God sacrificing His only son for us, and for Jesus, willingly being that sacrifice.