Thursday, October 20, 2016

Genesis 20 - The Same Ole Mistakes

Genesis 20:1-18
Abraham and Sarah journeyed to Gerar.  Once again, they told the king, this time Abimelech, that Sarah was Abraham’s sister, and she was once again taken into the king’s house.  This time, God appeared to Abimelech in a dream and told him that Sarah was Abraham’s wife.  Abimelech returned Sarah to Abraham untouched and have him 1000 pieces of silver.

Like Abraham and Sarah, we often make the same mistakes, or poor decisions, over and over again.  Because we are human, we do this, and God is faithful to forgive us.  Therefore; we in turn should forgive others when they do wrong toward us.

Look up and read the following scriptures:
Matthew 8:22
Matthew 6:14
Mark 11:25-26

What do the scriptures listed above tell us about forgiveness? 

Is there someone in your life who has wronged you that you need to forgive? 

After you have forgiven this person, go by Abimelech’s example and go to that person and offer them some kind of gift or kindness.  Use the space below to journal about how you can show love and forgiveness toward that person.

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