Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Genesis 13 - Family Drama

Genesis 13:1-12
Abram and his family went back to the land where he had built the altar and he and Lot became wealthy.  Their families and herds grew until they were crowded.  Abram’s herdsmen and a conflict with Lot’s herdsmen, so Abram went to Lot to settle the conflict.

What did Abram suggest to Lot? 

Why did Abram want Lot and himself to go their separate ways?  

Why do you suppose Abram allowed Lot to choose the land he wanted instead of just making the choice himself?  

Genesis 13:14-18
After Lot and Abram separated, God gave Abram all the land that he could see in every direction, and promised him that he would have more descendants than can be counted.

What did Abram do in verse 18?

Romans 12:10 says: Be kindly affectionate toward each other with brotherly love; in honor preferring one another.

When Abram let Lot choose the land he wanted, he was showing him preference over himself.  In the space below journal some ways that you can show preference over yourself to someone you care about.  

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